Uniform Leave Rules
Uniform Leave Rules
The government has been debating universal leave policies for full-time instructors in government-aided institutions, including formerly sponsored colleges in the state, for a while now. Regarding consistent leave policies for full-time teachers at government-sponsored colleges in the state, the West Bengal State Council of Higher Education has offered some proposals.
Following careful deliberation, the Governor has decided to approve the benefits as included in the annexure for full-time teachers at state-sponsored government colleges, while also accepting the proposals with minor adjustments.

- All government-aided teachers, including those at formerly supported colleges in the state, are subject to these leave regulations.
- A leave of absence from work cannot be requested as a matter of right and will only be approved upon application from a college instructor or principal and only after sufficient justification has been provided. When service obligations so dictate, the authority authorized to grant any kind of leave may, if already granted, revoke all or a portion of that leave.
- No leave of absence may be taken by a teacher who is suspended.
- If a teacher or principal misses work without permission, they may face disciplinary punishment as outlined in the relevant university's statute, act, or regulations, to which their college is linked.
- All requests for leave or an extension of leave must be submitted in writing to the Principal or, in the case of a Principal, the President of the Governing Body, and authorization must be obtained before the requested leave or extension of leave is taken; With the caveat that all applications for leave with retroactive effect must be submitted as soon as possible, in the event that the authority with the authority to grant leave is convinced that it was not possible to apply for or obtain the sanction for leave of absence beforehand.
- Leave typically starts on the day it is actually used and ends on the day before the employee returns to work. Sundays are holidays, so leave can be prefixed or suffixed to leave; however, in order to prefix or suffix leave holidays longer than three days, prior approval from the authority authorized to grant the leave must be obtained.
- Unless authorized by the leave sanctioning authority, no teacher on leave may return to work before the end of the leave period that has been given to them.
- Whether or whether the days in question are consecutive, a college instructor who misses all of the days in a given week that they are due to teach will be considered absent from duty for the whole week.
- After a teacher resigns, retires on superannuation, or quits willingly, no leave will be recorded to their leave account.
- The Governing Body's Principal or President may call a teacher or principal back to work at any time, unless there are medical reasons to do otherwise. In such a case, the teacher or principal will receive any necessary travel expenses that the Principal or President may determine.
- If a college teacher has been granted leave with suffixed or prefixed holidays, and the principal or teacher fails to report for duty after the holidays have passed, they will be considered absent from duty without leave and will not be paid for that time unless and until the Governing Body instructs them otherwise.
- "Leave" shall mean, subject to the general principles mentioned above, the following: (i) Casual Leave; (ii) Earned Leave; (iii) On Duty Absence; (iv) Study Leave; (v) Special Study Leave; (vi) Maternity Leave; (vii) Quarantine Leave; (viii) Medical Leave/Half Pay Leave; (ix) Commuted Leave; (x) Extraordinary Leave; (xi) Compensatory Leave; (xii) Leave Not Due; (xiii) Special Disability Leave.