Buniadpur Mahavidyalaya


Research Journals

Title of paperName of the author/sDepartment of the teacherName of journalCalendar Year of publicationISSN numberLink to website of the Journal
“When the Kiss Goes Wrong- A Subversion of Sleeping Beauty Myth from Brothers Grimm to Angela Carter”DUTTA, TANIMAENGLISHLabyrinth: An International Refereed Journal of Postmodern Studies (Approved List No. 41765)OCTOBER, 20190976-0814https://www.ugc.gov.in/pdfnews/5283580_UGC-Cancelled-List.pdf
“Disaster Management in Sanskrit Literature: A Study from Abhijnanasakuntalam and Giri Govardhana Upakhyana of Lord Sri Krishna”DAS, SANTIGOPALSANSKRITJETIR UGC Approved (Journal No.
JUNE, 20192349-5162www.jetir.org
“Violence or Non-Violence - What should we follow: An observation from Sanskrit Literature”DAS, SANTIGOPALSANSKRITJETIR UGC Approved (Journal No.
“National Consciousness and the Politics of Folktale and Fairytale Collections: A Study with Reference to Grimms’ Kinder-und-Hausmärchen”DUTTA, TANIMAENGLISHIntellection: A Bi-annual Interdisciplinary Research Journal (UGC Approved Journal No.
JULY-DECEMBER 20182319-8192https://www.ugc.gov.in/pdfnews/5283580_UGC-Cancelled-List.pdf
“Sketching Critical Characters Poet represents his uniqueness: A study from Tarapada Bhattacharya’s Visamapyamrita”DAS, SANTIGOPALSANSKRITInternational Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews UGC Approved (Journal No. 43602June, 2019E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138https://www.ijrar.org/?gclid=Cj0KCQjw9deiBhC1ARIsAHLjR2Bxu1OifImoAxJwO76YaXU8nUZMXXuOD_xWnVszw9edzufckSLkO4UaAiPZEALw_wcB
“Translated Stories in the Field of Modern Sanskrit Literature”DAS, SANTIGOPALSANSKRITInternational Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews UGC Approved (Journal No. 4360206-06-2019E – ISSN 2348 – 1269, P – ISSN 2349 – 5138
“The Change of Thoughts in Sanskrit Stories : The Study from beginning to Modern age”DAS, SANTIGOPALSANSKRITInternational Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews UGC Approved (Journal No. 4360210-06-2019E – ISSN 2348 – 1269, P – ISSN 2349 – 5138
“Comic Elements: A Study from ‘Kathadwadasa’ ”DAS, SANTIGOPALSANSKRITJETIR UGC Approved (Journal No.
“Kavi Arunranjan Misrer ‘Ajnatavanavaiswanara’ Galpe Paragrihopajibi Nimnabitta Manuser Jibanchitra o Mulyabodh”DAS, SANTIGOPALSANSKRITEbong Mahua: (UGC CARE LISTED)April, 2020(No ISSN Assigned); UGC-CARE Discontinued from Jan. 2022No website available; https://abcdindex.com/Journal/Ebong-Mahua-(print-only)-NA
“Kalo Meyer Prati Samajik Abahela Ekti Chirantan Samasya: Kabi Tarapada Bhattacharjer Galper Alloy Samiksa”DAS, SANTIGOPALSANSKRITEbong Mahua: (UGC CARE LISTED)April, 2021(No ISSN Assigned); UGC-CARE Discontinued from Jan. 2022No website available; https://abcdindex.com/Journal/Ebong-Mahua-(print-only)-NA
The Chief Aspects of Thomas Hardy’s Poetic StyleBURMAN, DWIJENRA NATHENGLISHAkshar Wangmay: International Research Journal (UGC CARE LISTED)July, 2021ISSN-2229-4929; From June 2019 to Presenthttps://ugccare.unipune.ac.in/Apps1/User/WebA/SearchList
“Post-colonialism in Colonial System: An Observation from Modern Sanskrit Stories”DAS, SANTIGOPALSANSKRITVyasasrih: (UGC CARE LISTED)July – December 2021ISSN 2320-2025; Discontinued from July 2022https://vyasasri.com/issue.php
'Bilash Binay Bandana': Prem, Aprem o Porinamer Ek Jatil SamikaranSARKAR, RAMATOSHBENGALIEbong Mahua: (UGC CARE LISTED)July, 2021(No ISSN Assigned); UGC-CARE Discontinued from Jan. 2022No website available; https://abcdindex.com/Journal/Ebong-Mahua-(print-only)-NA
Amiyabhushan Majumdarer Uponyashe Rabha Samaj o SanskritiSARKAR, RAMATOSHBENGALIEbong Mahua: (UGC CARE LISTED)Nov-21(No ISSN Assigned); UGC-CARE Discontinued from Jan. 2022No website available; https://abcdindex.com/Journal/Ebong-Mahua-(print-only)-NA
“श्रीमद्भगवद्गीतायाां योगप्रसड्ग:”DAS, SANTIGOPALSANSKRITShrividyamantramahayoga (UGC CARE LISTED)September-January, 2023ISSN: 2277-5854; From September 2019 to presentNo Website available; https://ugccare.unipune.ac.in/Apps1/User/WebA/SearchList
“Gopichandan Upanisad ka sararthavichar”- Jointly publishedDAS, SANTIGOPAL (Jointly published)SANSKRITShrividyamantramahayoga (UGC CARE LISTED)February-August, 2023ISSN: 2277-5854; From September 2019 to presentNo Website available; https://ugccare.unipune.ac.in/Apps1/User/WebA/SearchList
Violence against and Violation of Women: Rereading Sa'adat Hasan Manto's 'Khol Do' and 'Thanda Gosht'DUTTA, TANIMAENGLISHPhalanx: A Quarterly Review for Continuing Debate (UGC CARE LISTED)April-June, 2023ISSN:2320-7698; From January 2022 to July 2023No Website available; https://ugccare.unipune.ac.in/Apps1/User/WebA/SearchList
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