Buniadpur Mahavidyalaya

Dr. Tanima Dutta

Name: Dr. Tanima Dutta
Department : English
Designation: Assistant Professor
Phone no. 9474104184 / 9749367333
Email: toni.d.balurghat@gmail.com

Educational Qualifications
UndergraduateB.A. (Hons. In English)Balurghat College under University Of North Bengal200857.75%
PostgraduateM.A. In EnglishUniversity Of North Bengal201061.56% / A
M.Phil.N.A.————————————– —————
Ph.D.German Folktales And Fairytales Versus Indian ‘Lok- Kathas’ And ‘Rup- Kathas’: A Feminist Study With Special Reference To Brothers Grimm And Dakshinaranjan Mitra Majumdar”Raiganj University 16th August, 2020————
Any OtherNET For LecturershipUGC2011N.A.
Any OtherDiploma In Computer ApplicationBritish Computer2013-14B (65%-74%)
Career Profile
Teaching Experience in yearsArea of specializationCourses and subject taught
1. Full Time Contractual Lecturer in English at Malda College, P.G. Faculty; 02/01/2012- 31/08/2016(4years 8 months)Indian English Literature, Renaissance Literature, British Poetry,Drama Theory and CriticismP.G. ; Renaissance Literature, Victorian novel, Modern Poetry, Modern British Drama, Theory and Criticism
2.Contractual Lecturer in English at Balurghat College; 01/09/2016- 03/04/2017 (7 months 3 days)DoU.G. Renaissance Literature, Neoclassical Literature, Modern Poetry, Modern Short Stories etc.
3. Academic Counsellor at IGNOU,P.G. in English; 2015- 2019DoP.G. ; British Poetry, British Drama,Theory and Criticism
3. Assistant Professor of English at Buniadpur Mahavidyalaya; 04/04/2017 –till nowDoU.G. Medieval Literature, Renaissance Literature, Neoclassical Literature, Modern Poetry, Modern Short Stories and Drama, Indian Classical Literature, Literary and Cultural Theory- Criticism, American Drama etc.
Teaching Methods UsedClass-lectures, Discussion-based; audio-visual; literary pedagogy; English Communication practices
Technology used for part of teaching and frequency of useLaptop, Smart class room, audio-visuals, projector; 3-5 times in a session.
Research Undertaken
Major ProjectsMinor ProjectsCollaborative Projects
  Publication(s) with ISSN/ISBN No.
              Journals1. Dutta, Tanima. “Human Trafficking on Rise in North and South Dinajpur”. Exploring History. VI.2 (July-December 2014) : 74-92. ISSN 2230-8490
2. Dutta, Tanima. “Cinderella Complex- A Stereotype in Classic Fairy Tales: A Feminist Reading of Cinderella Myth in Garry Marshall’s Romantic Comedy Film, Pretty Woman”. New Academia. IV.II (April 2015): 108-114. ISSN: 2347-2073  
3. Dutta, Tanima. “Refuting Heteronormativity and Voicing for Lesbian Continuum: A Study of Adrienne Rich’s Post-Feminist Essay ‘Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence’”. Exposure: The Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities. I.I (June 2015): 58-65. ISSN: 2454- 6429.  
4. Dutta, Tanima. “National Consciousness and the Politics of Folktale and Fairytale Collections: A Study with Reference to Grimms’ Kinder-und-Hausmärchen”. Intellection. VI.II(July- December,2018):18-22. ISSN: 2319-8192.  
5. Dutta, Tanima. “When the Kiss Goes Wrong– A Subversion of Sleeping Beauty Myth from Brothers Grimm to Angela Carter”. Labyrinth. X.IV(October 2019): 78-88. ISSN: 0976-0814.
6. “Non-performing the ‘Female Appropriate Behaviour’: A Feminist Study of Emma Bovary in Gustave Flaubert’s Madame Bovary. Conspectus: A Journal of English Studies. Vol.15 (2021):45-57. ISSN:0973-0900.
Books WrittenChapters Written in Books(ISBN)Journals/Books/Chapters Edited / Chapters Reviewed
Not Yet1. Dutta,Tanima.”My Son’s Mother’s Story: Rereading Gordimer’s My Son’s Story”.Ed. Nawale, Arvind & Roy.Pinaki. World English Literature: Bridging Oneness.New Delhi: Authors Press,2013.ISBN: 978-81- 7273-705-4  

2. Dutta,Tanima.”Female Foeticide/Infanticide in India: An Investigation through Cultural Feminist Writings and Media”. Ed. Nawale, Arvind.M , Vashist,Shivani & Roy,Pinaki. Portrayal f Women in Media and Literature. New Delhi: Access,2013.ISBN: 978-93-82647-01-0  
3. Dutta, Tanima. “A Feminist Reading of the Subversive ‘Cinderella Myth’ in Margaret Atwood’s Surfacing”. Reading Literature through Feminist Lens: Theory and Praxis. New Delhi: Authors Press, 2015. ISBN: 978-93- 5207-118-0.
4. Dutta, Tanima. “An Appraisal of the Partitioned Lives of Indian Sub-Continent Amitav Ghosh’s The Shadow Lines”. Indian Writing in English: Reassessment. Ed. Rumpa Das. Kolkata: Avenel Press, 2015. ISBN: 978- 93-80761-96-1.
5. Dutta, Tanima. “‘The Pacification of the Primitive Tribes of the Lower Niger’- A Critique of ‘Orientalism’ through the Lens of Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart”. Gender and Commonwealth Studies. Ed. Anuradha Kunda & Arnab Bhattacharyay. Kolkata:Booksway, 2015.
6. Dutta, Tanima. “Weird F1olklores of Bengal: A Study of Witchcraft, Wich Hunt and Exorcism”. Lokosamskriti- Tatwo o Kshetro Shamiksha. Ed.Achintya Biswas. Kolkata: Creative Publication, 2016. ISBN: 978-81-923675-3-8.
7. Dutta, Tanima. “From Bane to Boon: A Feminist Study of the Classic Fairytale-Myths of Cinderella Complex in Garry Marshall’s Pretty Woman”. Interrogating Cultures of   Complicity and Resistance. Ed. Aparna Bandyopadhyay. Kolklata: Paiolck,2019. ISBN:978-93-88207-72-0
8. Dutta, Tanima. “Fairytales, the Prerequisite of Gendering Values in Children: A Reading of Thakurmar Jhuli.” Human Values in Indian Literature and Culture. Ed. Santigopal Das. Kolkata: Sanaskrita Pustak Bhandar,2019. ISBN: 978-93-87800-79-3
1. Have been working as the Editor-in-Chief     of    the     Peer- Reviewed English Annual Journal (ISSN:            2454-6429)           of International standard, titled as Exposure: The Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, since June 2015 for consecutive eight years.        Publication        House: Readers Service, Kolkata. Journal’s         Email         Address: exposurejounal.india@gmail.com Journal’s Website: www.exposurethejournal.com

Conference/Symposia/Workshops Attended/Organised

FacultyInternational LevelNational LevelState LevelCollege Level
1. International
seminar on “South Asia: Literature and Performance”, organised by the Department of English, UNB, on 15th and 16th December, 2014
2. International seminar-lecture
“Postcolonialism and the
Subaltern”By Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, organised by the Department of English,Raiganj University, on 6th April, 2018.
3. One-Day International Webinar   – DOCTRINA-04 on            “Mainstream Media Reporting During Covid-19: An International Experience”, Organised by Dpt. of Journalism and IQAC, Sir Syed College on 22nd
May, 2020. 
4. Three-Day International Webinar                                  on “Postcolonial Negotiations: History, Literature and Culture” Organised by Dpt. of English, SKB University            from 3rd June to 5th June 2020.
5. Two-Day
International Webinar                      on “Indian             Culture and Wisdom as Reflected                                     in
Vedas                     and Upanishads” Organised                                               by IQAC and Dpt. of Sanaskrit         Chitta Mahato Memorial College on 11th & 12th July 2020.
1.   Two-Day
Awareness Workshop on “NAAC
Accreditatio n for Non- Accredited Higher Education Institutions”, Organised by University of Kalyani on 16th & 17th August, 2019.
2. One-day National Webinar                             on “Science Fiction’ Organised by the Dpt. of English, Rizvi College in association with Board of Studies in              English, University                               of Mumbai on 18th May,2020.
3. Two-Week Online National Workshop                         on “Comprehensive e-Learning to e- Training guide for
Administrative Work” organised by          Teaching Learning Centre Ramanujan College, Sponsored          by
MHRD            and PMMMNNTT
from 25th May to 5th June 2020.
1. State Level Seminar
Workshop on “Research Methodology in Humanities and Social Sciences”, organised by IQAC,
Dewan Abdul Gani College, on 23rd September,20
1. College level seminar on “Promotion of Research in Institutes of Higher Learning”, organised by Research and Consultancy Cell of Malda College, on 16th November, 2013.
2. District level seminar on “Tolerance in Indian Society: Contemporary Issue and
Challenges”, organised by IQAC, Malda College, on 8th January, 2016.
Presented Papers1. International Level seminar on “The Great War(1914) in Memories and Letters” (I.C.H.R Sponsored). Organised by P.G. Departments of History and English, Malda College. 16th and 17th April, 2015. Title: “The Narrative of the War Horse(s), Joye: Remembering Michael Morpurgo’s War Horse in the Light of the Great War”.
2.Two-Day International Seminar on “Exploring Trauma: Interdisciplinary Prespectives”. Organised by Department of English, University of Gour Banga, in collaboration with the British Council on January 28-29, 2016. Title of the Paper: “Traumatic Journey of the Trafficked Lives: Case Study from Dakshin Dinajpur”.
3. Two-Day International Seminar on “War in/and Texts: Voices, Technicalities, and Thoughts”. Organised by Department of English, Raiganj University, on 7th & 8th December, 2016. Title of the Paper: “The Great War and Memory: Commemorating the War Horse(s) through the Memoir of Joey in Michael Morpurgo’s War Horse”.
4. Two-Day International Seminar on “Rethinking Modernity: Interdisciplinary Perspectives”. Organised by Dpt. Of English, Aliah University, in collaboration with Byanjanbarna Foundation on 11th &12th August, 2018. Title of the paper: “Retailoring Classical Firytale-Myths in the Modern Literature: A Feminist Reading of Grimms’ ‘Cinderella’ and Atwood’s Surfacing”.
5. UGC sponsored Two- Day International Seminar on “Re- eading British Poetry Across Time and Space: Themes, Issues and Perspectives”, organised by Dpt. of English, University of Gour Banga on 12th &13th March, 2019. Title of the Paper: “Where is the Prince Charming?: A Modernist Study of Edith Sitwell’s The Sleeping Beauty with Reference to Grimm Brothers’ ‘Little Briar Rose’”.
6. 5th Annual International Conference, Indian Social Sciences and Humanities Congress 2019 ( Samagam 19) Organised by Paschimbanga Anchalik Itihas O Loksanskriti Charcha Kendra, In
collaboration with Dpt. of Library and Information Science, Jadavpur University on 7th & 8th September 2019. Title of the paper: “From Bane to Boon: A Feminist Study of the Classic Fairytale- Myths of Cinderella Complex in Garry Marshall’s Pretty Woman”.
7. ICSSR-NERC sponsored Three-Day
International Seminar on “Reconfiguring Nationalism: Protest and Acquiescence” Organised by the Dpt. of English, Bodoland University, in collaboration with the Dpt. of Political Science Cotton University and academic association with G.L.C. College on 6th ,7th & 8th February 2020. Title of the Paper: “Nationalism and National Consciousness- the Determiners of the Politics of Folktale and Fairytale Collection in Bengal.”
1. National Level Seminar on “Revisiting Partition of India-Longterm
Perspective”, Sponsored by University Grants Commission, Organised by Prof.Syed Nurul Hasan College, Farakka, Murshidabad(W.B), in Collaboration with P.N.Das College, Palta, North 24pgs(W.B), held on 6th & 7th December,2012. Title of
the Paper: “A Textuality of History and Historisity of Text: Rereading
Amitav Ghosh’s The Shadow Lines”.
2. National level Seminar on “Locating Modernity and its Parameter: Perspective India (1556-
2000)”, organized by Post-Graduate Department of History, Malda College, Malda(W.B), in
Collaboration with Department of History, Vidyasagar Univarsity, Midnapur(W.B), held on 21st & 22nd January, 2013.Title of the Paper: “Gandhian Ideology, Determining Indo- Anglian Fiction”.
3. National Seminar on “Folklore: Theory and Field work”, Organised
by Department of Bengali(UG & PG), Balurghat College (Govt.
Sponsored), Balurghat, Dakshin Dinajpur (W.B), in Collaboration with Folkloristic Education & Research Institute (FERI), Kolkata, held on 18th & 19th March, 2013. Title of the Paper: “Weird Folklores of Bengal: A Study on Witchcraft, Witch Hunt and
4. National Seminar on “Aspects of Partition of
India in 1947”(UGC sponsored), organised by Post Graduate Department of history, Malda College, on 28th March, 2014. Title of the paper: “Partition Begets Partition:Rereading
Amitav Ghosh’s The Shadow Lines”.
5. National Seminar on “Literature and
Marginality: Issues and Perspectives”, organized by Department of English, Balurghat College.
02/03/2015. Title of the Paper: “From Rags to Riches: A Study of the Misfortune being Overturned Myth of the Cinderellic Heroine of Garry Marshall’s ‘Pretty Women’”.
6. One-Day National Seminar on “Human Values Reflected in Indian Literature”.
Organised by Dpt. of Sanaskrit, Buniadpur Mahavidyalaya in Collaboration with Dpt. of Sanaskrit, University of Gour Banga on 27th March, 2019. Title of the Paper: “Fairytales, the Stimulators of Gendering Children: A Study of the Patriarchal Hegemonic Values in Majumdar’s Thakurmat Jhuli”.
7. One-Day National Webinar on “The present Corona Crisis and Its Probable Impact on the Ecopolitical Scenario of India”, Jointly Organised by Dpt. of Political Science, Malda College and Dpt. of Political Science             Chanddas Mahavidyalay on 21st May,2020. Title of the Paper: “Covid-19, Polity and Religion: Indian Perspectives”.
1. College Level Seminar on Bankim Chandrer Janmer 175 Bachchor: Fire Dekha, Organised by Dept.of Bengali,
Malda College, Aided by Bankim Bhaban Research Centre, held on 12th December, 2012. Title of the Paper: “Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay: The Founding Father of Indo-Anglian
2. College level seminar and workshop on “Addressing
Gender Discrimination and Initiating Women Empowerment”. Organised by P.G. Department of English, Malda College on 9th and
10th May, 2015.Title: “Refuting Heteronormativity and Voicing for Lesbian
3. One Day State Level Seminar on
“Women and Leadership: Research and Practice”, Organised by Women Development Cell & IQAC in Collaboration with Dpt. Of Political Science, Balurghat College, on 10th
April, 2017; Title of the Paper: “Women, Trafficking, Prostitution and Slavery: A Survey and Select Case
Resource Persons
Organiser1. Joint Convener of a Literary Conference on “Loksahitya:
Lokkatha o Rupkatha”, held on 18th December, 2016, at Dakshin Dinajpur District Press Club.
2. Organised a One- Day Special Lecture cum
Seminar on “Basics of Phonetics”, Resource Person- Prof. Debaditya Mukhopadhayay, Venue: Buniadpur Mahavidyalaya on 30th January, 2019.
3. Organised a One- Day Special Lecture cum Seminar on “‘Fair is foul, foul is fair’- Macbeth, an Embodiment of Value Reversal”, Resource Person: Debasis Laha (Eminent Poet, writer and academician) Venue: Buniadpur Mahavidyalaya on 27th September, 2019.
4. Organised a One- Day Special Lecture cum Seminar on “Engaging with Medieval Feminism in Geoffrey Chaucer’s ‘The Wife of Bath’s Prologue and Tale’” Resource Person: Dr. Sanjukta Chatterjee, Assistant Professor of English, Raiganj University Venue: Buniadpur Mahavidyalaya on 20th November, 2019.
5. Organised a One- Day Special e- Lecture cum
Seminar on “Critical Perspectives on
William Congreve’s The Way of the World”.
Resource Person: Dr. Samipendra Banerjee, Assistant Professor of English, University of Gour Banga.
Date: 30th May, 2020
6. Organised a Three-Day Special
e-Lectures cum Seminar on “Approaches to Pre-Romantic and Romantic Poetry”.
Date: 6th, 7th & 8th June, 2020
Staff Development Programmes: Attended and Organised
    Refresher Courses/Orientation Programmes    UGC sponsored Refresher Course from HRDC of University of North Bengal from 12th June to 25th June, 2019;Obtained Grade A.Four-Week                     Induction/Orientation Programme for “Faculty in Universities / Colleges/ Institute of Higher Education” from 4th June to 1st July 2020; Obtained Grade A+.UGC Sponsored Faculty Induction Programme from the HRDC of University of North Bengal held from 4th February to 5th March, 2021; Obtained Grade A+.
HRDC ProgrammesUGC sponsored Refresher Course from HRDC of University of North Bengal from 12th June to 25th June, 2019;Obtained Grade A.UGC Sponsored Faculty Induction Programme from the HRDC of University of North Bengal held from 4th February to 5th March, 2021; Obtained Grade A+.
UGC-Faculty Improvement ProgrammesNot yet
Staff training by University/Other InstitutionsOnline One-Week FDP on “Indian Literature and Languages: Paradigms and Praxix”, Organised by Grand Academic Portal and SRM University from 13th May to 19th May 2020.Two-Week Online Workshop on “Comprehensive e-Learning to e-Training guide for Administrative Work” organised by Teaching Learning Centre Ramanujan College, Sponsored by MHRD and PMMMNNTT from 25th May to 5th June 2020.
Faculty Exchange ProgrammesNot yet
Summer/Winter School WorkshopsNot yet
Research GuidedNot yet
Areas of Interest
AcademicFolkloristics/ Theatre/Drama for Academic Upliftment / Organising watching movie programmes related to academic syllabi.
Non AcademicTheatre artist in “Dinajpur Rupkatha; Research and Supporting Team Member at “Dinajpur Hashtag”; Singing. Cultural Activities; NCC activities
Participation in various Committees of College/University
  Academic  1.Member of Academic Sub-Committee, Buniadpur Mahavidyalaya
2. Member of Exam Committee, Buniadpur Mahavidyalaya
  Administrative/ Non-Academic1. Teachers’ Representative of Governing Body, Buniadpur Mahavidyalaya
2. NAAC-Committee Coordinator, Buniadpur Mahavidyalaya
3. NCC Care Taker Officer, Buniadpur Mahavidyalaya
4. Member of Purchase Committee, Buniadpur Mahavidyalay
5. Member of Cultural Sub-Committee,
6. Buniadpur MahavidyalayaBursar, Buniadpur Mahavidyalaya

Awards (if any):

  1. University Medal for Securing 1st Class 1st in M.A. (English), 2010.
  2. Tarulata Mitra Memorial Medal Donated by Sri Prasanta Kr. Mitra for Securing 1st Class 1st in M.A. (English), 2010.
  3. Abaninath Bhattacharya Medal donated by Late Anandamay Bhattacharya for Securing 1st Class 1st in M.A. (English),2010.
  4. Tapomay Bhowmik Memorial Prize donated by English Language Lovers’ Association , West Bengal, for Securing 1st Class 1st in M.A. (English),2010 at University of North Bengal

Other Responsibilities taken & information if any:

  1. Member of U.G. Board of Studies (English), University of Gour Banga
  2. Member of P.G. Board of Studies (English), Dakshin Dinajpur University
  3. Co-organiser of the District Level Competitions for Colleges on Youth Parliament, Quiz on Character Building and Parliamentary Affairs, and Extempore Speeches Competition-2019-20, Dakshin Dinajpur (Govt. Of West Bengal, Dept. Of Parliamentary Affairs) at Biniadpur Mahavidyalaya on 8th November, 2019.
  4. Many activities meant for the College’s qualitative development.
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